One of the most awaited features for PWAs seems to be on the way! Finally!

Here is a quick take on what we saw already.

Alex Burlitsky
Chief Editor, CEO, Founder
iOS Push Notifications for PWAs
As of very end of January 2022 with iOS 15.4 Beta release, we hope that PWAs got an important jolt forward, this time from Apple!

- Built in Web Notifications and API are available in experimental features.

- These are off by default for now.

- Push permissions could not be received, due to unknown reasons, which can be anything, including some unfinished work on the WebKit team side.

The WebKit Experimental settings:
Let us hope that iOS will not take too long to fully release the web push, to permit its users a similar level of convenient & secure freedom as PWAs on Android provide for a while - apps that do not take space, need no download, no update!